Posts Tagged ‘Institute of Medicine’

June 25th, 2014

Podcast 171: PTSD Treatment Effects Remain Largely Unmeasured By the Military and the VA

Running time: 10 minutes The Institute of Medicine’s report on treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder finds that active military and veterans with PTSD aren’t always getting evidence-based treatments. And when those treatments are used, they’re too often not used according to protocols and the results aren’t measured. The upshot? The agencies with responsibility for treating PTSD […]

May 4th, 2009

Podcast 41: A repeat of an interview with Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC on childhood immunization levels.

Your host is struggling with an overload of pollen and its attendant insults to his immune system. Or maybe it’s the dreaded swine flu. In any event, Dr. Anne Schuchat gave an interesting interview on childhood immunization levels in those halcyon pre-porcine-obsessed days of September 2008, and I’m repeating it for you this week. This week’s links: […]

December 5th, 2008

Podcast 22: Interview with Aaron Kesselheim about his meta-analysis of the efficacy of proprietary versus generic cardiovascular drugs.

This week, in addition to the usual news roundup, we talk with Dr. Aaron Kesselheim about his JAMA paper on the equivalence between proprietary and generic cardiovascular drugs. The data and the editorials are often at odds on this question. Have a listen, and if you want to react to any of this, call 1-617-440-4374. […]

Clinical Conversations

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