Articles matching the ‘Immunization rates’ Category

May 4th, 2009

Podcast 41: A repeat of an interview with Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC on childhood immunization levels.

Your host is struggling with an overload of pollen and its attendant insults to his immune system. Or maybe it’s the dreaded swine flu. In any event, Dr. Anne Schuchat gave an interesting interview on childhood immunization levels in those halcyon pre-porcine-obsessed days of September 2008, and I’m repeating it for you this week. This week’s links: […]

September 6th, 2008

Podcast 12: News and interview with Dr. Anne Schuchat, Director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

This week’s podcast includes an interview with Anne Schuchat about U.S. childhood immunization rates, along with the usual news roundup. Journal Watch links Physical Activity May Boost Cognitive Function in Older Adults Vytorin (Simvastatin + Ezetimibe) Shows Little Benefit for Aortic Stenosis New Questions and a Few Answers on Vytorin and Cancer Risks Vytorin: Navigating Uncharted […]

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