Posts Tagged ‘antiepileptic drugs’

May 19th, 2011

Podcast 122: Most newer antiepileptics apparently safer in early pregnancy — but not all.

A paper from Denmark looks at five newer-generation antiepileptics and finds no strong birth-defects signal associated with their use in the first trimester. However, as the senior author points out in a statement to Clinical Conversations, one of the drugs — topiramate — has only recently been cited by the FDA as carrying a risk […]

May 4th, 2009

Podcast 41: A repeat of an interview with Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC on childhood immunization levels.

Your host is struggling with an overload of pollen and its attendant insults to his immune system. Or maybe it’s the dreaded swine flu. In any event, Dr. Anne Schuchat gave an interesting interview on childhood immunization levels in those halcyon pre-porcine-obsessed days of September 2008, and I’m repeating it for you this week. This week’s links: […]

April 20th, 2009

Podcast 39: A conversation with Kimford Meador about a new paper assessing the later cognitive effects of fetal exposure to antiepileptic drugs.

Neurologists have talked about these effects for a while, but now they’ve got evidence showing that valproate lowers IQ at age 3 by almost 10 points. Since only half the antiepileptics are used in epilepsy, the results will affect everyone caring for women of reproductive age. Kimford Meador of Emory University is here to talk […]

June 20th, 2008

Podcast 4: News and interview with Dr. Larry Allen, Clinical Instructor in Cardiology, Duke

Larry Allen talks with us about patients’ estimates of their life expectancy, compared with what disease models predict. Antiepileptic drugs Antipsychotic drug Inhalers Induced labor Rate vs. rhythm Dr. Allen interview

Clinical Conversations

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