March 15th, 2012
Podcast 149: High levels of white rice consumption seem linked to higher risks for type 2 diabetes
A BMJ meta-analysis suggests that people with the highest levels of white rice consumption are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. The authors examined four studies, together comprising some 350,000 subjects. Two were done in Asian populations and two among Westerners. They found a much higher intake of white rice among Asians, and a strong […]
January 13th, 2012
Podcast 141: Clinically apparent atrial fibrillation increases stroke risk; does subclinical afib do the same?
Yes, it apparently does. An international study in the New England Journal of Medicine monitored subclinical atrial fibrillation among some 2600 patients who’d just received an implanted pacemaker or cardioverter-defibrillator. After 3 months of monitoring, about 10% of the group showed subclinical episodes of afib lasting at least 6 minutes. Over an additional 2.5 years of follow-up the […]
March 2nd, 2011
Podcast 114: Guidelines for preventing cardiovascular disease in women
We think you’ll find this of interest. The American Heart Association last month issued revised guidelines for preventing cardiovascular disease in women. The change that hits you right off is the title’s shift from “Evidence-Based” to “Effectiveness-Based,” emphasizing the writing committee’s belief that the way things go in clinical trials doesn’t always hold in the more […]
June 5th, 2010
Podcast 90: Preventing type 2 diabetes with low-dose metformin and rosiglitazone seems possible, but clinical use has to await results of another study.
Here’s a question wrapped in mist: How to prevent diabetes? Well, lifestyle changes for sure, but that’s hard. Drug therapy? Easier, but side effects can take away that advantage pretty quickly. Rosiglitazone offers some benefits, but its side effects — most notably increased risks for heart failure and death — have some people wondering whether […]
November 22nd, 2009
Podcast 66: Niacin versus ezetimibe in the face of high cardiovascular risk — a conversation with the ARBITER 6-HALTS trialist Allen Taylor
One of the more intriguing pieces of research presented at the American Heart Association this week (and simultaneously released online in the New England Journal of Medicine) shows that extended-release niacin outperforms ezetimibe in high-risk patients. We talk with Dr. Allen J. Taylor, the study’s first author. Contact us at 1-617-440-4374 or write This edition’s links: […]
March 13th, 2009
Podcast 34: An interview with Cheryl Bushnell of Wake Forest about her paper in BMJ concerning migraines during pregnancy and the possibility of their relation to strokes and other vascular problems.
BMJ‘s paper on the possible association of migraine during pregnancy and stroke (and other vascular problems) is the focus of this week’s interview. We speak with first-author Dr. Cheryl Bushnell. And then there’s the week’s news, plus a message from a listener! It could have been you, if only you’d called 1-617-440-4374 and made a […]