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May 14th, 2011

Podcast 121: NSAIDs Unsafe at Any Dose after MI

Guidelines warn about using NSAIDs after myocardial infarction, and a 10-year look-back study from Denmark shows that the warning should be even louder. Whereas current AHA guidelines advise using NSAIDs after MI for the briefest possible time, the Danish study, published last week in Circulation, finds that the risks for death and reinfarction begin within the first week with some NSAIDs, and continue throughout treatment. Diclofenac is especially risky in this context.

Interview-related links:

Circulation abstract (free)

AHA scientific statement on NSAIDs from 2007 (free)

May 6th, 2011

Podcast 120: Pass the salt!

European researchers say they’ve got the data to show that restricting salt in the general population is a bad mistake. By implication, the U.S. dietary salt guidelines are plainly wrong.

How did they do this? They followed 3700 subjects for roughly 8 years, having first measured their 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Their data show that lower salt intake leads to higher cardiovascular mortality and that increasing levels of salt intake are not associated with an increased incidence of hypertension.

The researchers are defiant in the face of criticism, challenging the skeptics to come up with their own data.

The results seem poised to change our assumptions — if not our dietary habits.
Interview-related links:

April 22nd, 2011

Podcast 119: Calcium supplements and risk

Most clinicians, when asked, say they will routinely recommend calcium supplements for their postmenopausal patients. A meta-analysis from BMJ shows that this well-intentioned advice seems to lead to a moderate increase in cardiovascular risk in these women.

We talk with Prof. Ian Reid, whose re-analysis of Women’s Health Initiative data confirms earlier work he’d done.  Listen in.

Interview-related links:

April 8th, 2011

Podcast 118: Opioid prescribing patterns and accidental overdoses

Two authors of a JAMA study published earlier this week discuss how prescribing patterns for opioids figured in the rates of unintentional overdose. The work was done using data from Veterans Administration records. Briefly, they found that the risk for overdose was directly related to the maximal dose prescribed, however, patients who received only “as needed” prescriptions as opposed to regular daily amounts were at higher risk for overdose.

The findings have some lessons for all clinicians. Listen in to our 10-minute Clinical Conversation.

If you have suggestions, please leave a comment here — they’re all appreciated.

Interview-related link:

April 1st, 2011

Podcast 117: Atorvastatin and new-onset diabetes

Statins, according to a 2010 meta-analysis in Lancet, are associated with a slightly increased risk for new-onset type 2 diabetes. One, atorvastatin (marketed as Lipitor), was underrepresented in that analysis. Researchers, along with the manufacturer, decided to have a look at data from three trials to see whether atorvastatin also conferred that risk. And, indeed they found that the risk was there — most especially in the SPARCL trial, which compared high-dose atorvastatin with placebo.

Our interview is with the first author of that later analysis, Dr. David D. Waters, of UCSF. His paper appeared earlier this week in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Interview-related links:

March 25th, 2011

Podcast 116: What do more sensitive troponin measurements mean for diagnosing ACS?

Troponin I levels can now be measured much more accurately and assays have a greater sensitivity. In Edinburgh, the diagnostic level for acute coronary syndrome was lowered from 0.20 ng/mL to 0.05. As a result, when patients presented with suspected ACS they were more likely to be diagnosed — and a year later were more likely be alive and without recurrent infarction.

How do we know this? Because as the more sensitive test was first being introduced, the lab continued to report the old threshold level for six months. That group of patients with lower (yet not reportable) levels than 0.20 ng/mL fared much worse than those with similar troponin results that were reported as being above the threshold during the implementation phase.

Is this just a recipe for overdiagnosis, or should your institution be adjusting its diagnostic threshold?

We have a lively conversation with Dr. Nicholas Mills, the first author of a paper describing all this in JAMA this week.

Interview-related links:

Clinical Conversations

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