Articles matching the ‘statins’ Category

July 6th, 2022

Podcast 295: How should clinicians manage severe (but asymptomatic) carotid artery stenosis while awaiting CREST-2’s results?

CREST-2’s results are probably more than a year away. In the meantime, what to do about diagnosed severe (but asymptomatic) carotid stenosis? Recent results suggest that medical management compares favorably with the surgical approach. In this edition, we address the question with a conversation between Dr. Allan Brett, NEJM Journal Watch‘s editor-in-chief, and Dr. Seemant Chaturvedi, […]

November 1st, 2019

Podcast 240: Overuse of statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular events

Running time: 23 minutes Paula Byrne set out to understand what the available data tell us about how many people are taking statins for primary prevention — and how much good is it likely doing them? Also, how do you discuss their possible harms and benefits with patients? Links: Paula Byrne and colleagues’ analysis in The BMJ Kausik Ray […]

November 12th, 2013

Podcast 169: New guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention

 Running time: 11 minutes The American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology have released four sets of guidelines — all aimed at the lowering of risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. For perspective, we’ve asked Harlan Krumholz, editor-in-chief of NEJM Journal Watch Cardiology and CardioExchange to chat. Links: Risk calculator (free) CardioExchange (free) Circulation homepage New York Times piece by Krumholz on […]

April 1st, 2011

Podcast 117: Atorvastatin and new-onset diabetes

Statins, according to a 2010 meta-analysis in Lancet, are associated with a slightly increased risk for new-onset type 2 diabetes. One, atorvastatin (marketed as Lipitor), was underrepresented in that analysis. Researchers, along with the manufacturer, decided to have a look at data from three trials to see whether atorvastatin also conferred that risk. And, indeed […]

July 1st, 2010

Podcast 94: What does a new meta-analysis tell us about statins and primary prevention?

A meta-analysis of 11 studies encompassing more than 60,000 subjects finds that statins don’t lower all-cause mortality in people without cardiovascular disease. One editorialist calls the study, just published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “the cleanest and most complete meta-analysis of pharmacological lipid lowering for primary prevention.” One of the study’s principal authors, Kausik K. […]

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