July 11th, 2008
Podcast 7: Interview with Dr. Nelson Adams, President, National Medical Association
Nelson Adams, president of the National Medical Association, joins us to discuss the American Medical Association’s apology to black physicians for its past efforts to exclude them from membership. Journal Watch links AMA Apologizes for Past Discrimination Against African-Americans FDA Calls for Boxed Warning on Fluoroquinolones Treating Hypertension Only Marginally Reduces Dementia Risk in the Very […]
July 4th, 2008
Podcast 6: News and interview with Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, NIH Institute on Aging, Bethesda, MD
Luigi Ferrucci joins us to discuss the prognostic value of subtle neurologic abnormalities in the elderly. Journal Watch links Mortality Rates During First 5 Years of HIV Infection Similar to Rates in General Population Survival With and Without HIV: Getting Closer Management of Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes in Men vs. Women
June 27th, 2008
Podcast 5: News and interview with Dr. Jack Hirsh, Professor Emeritus, Dept of Medicine, McMaster and Founding Director of the Henderson Research Centre, Hamilton Ontario
Jack Hirsh discusses the American College of Chest Physicians’ new guidelines on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy. Home blood pressure monitoring http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/624/2 Depression and diabetes http://psychiatry.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/623/2 http://firstwatch.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/618/1 Stroke risk http://firstwatch.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/624/1 Rivaroxaban http://oncology-hematology.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/625/1
June 20th, 2008
Podcast 4: News and interview with Dr. Larry Allen, Clinical Instructor in Cardiology, Duke
Larry Allen talks with us about patients’ estimates of their life expectancy, compared with what disease models predict. Antiepileptic drugs http://firstwatch.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/619/1 Antipsychotic drug http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2007/315/5 Inhalers http://pediatrics.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/618/1 Induced labor http://womens-health.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/619/1 Rate vs. rhythm http://cardiology.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/618/2 Dr. Allen interview http://depts.washington.edu/shfm/ http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/299/21/2533 http://cardiology.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/618/5 http://cardiology.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/618/5 http://firstwatch.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2008/604/1