Posts Tagged ‘aspirin’

March 9th, 2018

Podcast 217: Aspirin and rivaroxaban “comparably effective and safe” for prophylaxis after arthroplasty

The EPCAT II trial examined whether aspirin and rivaroxaban were clinically equivalent in the extended prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after hip or knee replacement. They proved “comparably effective and safe,” according to our guest, Dr. David Anderson, the study’s first author. An editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, where the study appeared in […]

May 2nd, 2012

Podcast 154: Treating heart failure’s hypercoagulable state — warfarin or aspirin?

Heart failure brings problems associated with hypercoagulation, such as stroke and sudden death. An international study followed some 2300 patients with heart failure (ejection fractions of 35% or less) and in stable sinus rhythm for a mean of 3.5 years, randomizing them to treatment with either warfarin or aspirin. The two treatment groups showed about the same […]

November 4th, 2011

Podcast 136: Aspirin lowers colorectal risks in Lynch syndrome — what are the implications for everyone else?

Last week’s Lancet article on the effect of aspirin on risks for colorectal cancer in patients with Lynch syndrome — a group at particularly high risk — may hold implications for preventing sporadic colon cancers. Our interview with Prof. Sir John Burn, the study’s first author, explores those implications as well speculations on why  we human […]

March 27th, 2010

Podcast 80: Bisphosphonates and atypical hip fractures — how large is the risk?

We talk with three of the academic authors of a New England Journal of Medicine study that pooled data from a few studies in an attempt to examine the possible link between use of bisphosphonates and femoral-shaft fractures. Interview-related links: Physician’s First Watch coverage NEJM paper NEJM editorial FDA statement News-related links: Aspirin ineffective in preventing miscarriage BNP-guided […]

March 5th, 2010

Podcast 77: We revisit a conversation on treating community-acquired pneumonia according to the guidelines (and we’ve got current news).

Our attempts to get an interview with a researcher were unavailing, so we’ve  gone to plan B and repeat a useful look at treating community-acquired pneumonia according to guideline recommendations. Please leave comments and complaints at You can call and voice these at 1-617-440-4374. Interview-related links: Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Guideline-Compliant Treatment Is Better IDSA/ATS guidelines News-related links: Evaluating long-term […]

November 12th, 2009

Podcast 64: A conversation regarding on-pump versus off-pump CABG with Frederick Grover.

Avoiding use of the heart-lung machine during coronary artery bypass grafting was supposed to lower neurocognitive problems and other complications after the procedure. A large randomized trial finds otherwise. We’ve got a conversation with one of the investigators, Frederick Grover. To contact us, call 1-617-440-4374. You can write to me at This week’s links: News links: Primary […]

Clinical Conversations

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