Posts Tagged ‘Alzheimer disease’

February 17th, 2012

Podcast 146: Cognitive impairment in primary care — screen or not?

Current guidelines find no compelling therapeutic benefit to screening for cognitive impairment and dementia in primary care. The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has published some research that, if not compelling, certainly suggests that clinical approaches should change. In actively screening some 8000 veterans over age 70 during routine primary care visits for cognitive impairment, […]

November 21st, 2008

Podcast 21: An interview with Dr. Steven T. DeKosky about his JAMA paper showing that ginkgo extract does not prevent dementia

It’s the usual offering: the week’s news summarized, an interview, and a quick exit. This week we talk with Steven DeKosky about his JAMA paper on the (lack of) usefulness of ginkgo extract in preventing dementia. The links will point you to a good resource on these alternative therapies and what’s known about them. Don’t […]

October 17th, 2008

Podcast 16: This week’s news, plus an interview recorded earlier this year with Dr. John Douglas of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention

We had trouble reaching our intended interviewee in Finland. so we rescheduled that for next week. Instead, we’re bringing you an interview with Dr. John Douglas of the CDC that we recorded in March. He talks with us about the implications of a finding that one in four young women in the U.S. has a […]

September 6th, 2008

Podcast 12: News and interview with Dr. Anne Schuchat, Director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

This week’s podcast includes an interview with Anne Schuchat about U.S. childhood immunization rates, along with the usual news roundup. Journal Watch links Physical Activity May Boost Cognitive Function in Older Adults Vytorin (Simvastatin + Ezetimibe) Shows Little Benefit for Aortic Stenosis New Questions and a Few Answers on Vytorin and Cancer Risks Vytorin: Navigating Uncharted […]

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