Posts Tagged ‘vitamins’

July 28th, 2022

Podcast 297: Forget about all that vitamin D testing!!

A VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS INTERVIEW IS AVAILABLE HERE. THE USUAL AUDIO FILE IS AVAILABLE BELOW Steven Cummings has co-written a take-no-prisoners editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine. The topic? Vitamin D supplements. The conclusion? “…providers should stop screening for 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels or recommending vitamin D supplements, and people should stop taking vitamin D […]

December 12th, 2008

Podcast 23: An interview with J. Michael Gaziano concerning two JAMA studies on the uselessness of dietary supplements in preventing prostate cancer

A week with just a few notable stories, one of which is about using supplements like vitamin C or selenium to prevent prostate cancer. We interview J. Michael Gaziano about two studies in JAMA on that topic. Have a listen, and if you want to react to any of this, call 1-617-440-4374. Links for this […]

Clinical Conversations

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