Articles matching the ‘smoking’ Category

February 3rd, 2012

Podcast 144: Hip fractures, PPIs, and smoking history in postmenopausal women — increased risks

PPIs are back on our radar, and this time it’s their regular use among postmenopausal women. A BMJ article examines data from the Nurses’ Health Study to show a significantly increased risk for hip fracture among postmenopausal women with any smoking history. Never-smokers showed no statistically significant increase. Now that proton pump inhibitors have been available over-the-counter […]

October 24th, 2008

Podcast 17: News plus an interview with Dr. Arto Strandberg regarding midlife smoking

This week Dr. Arto Strandberg, a general practitioner who does his research at the University of Helsinki, talks with us about the effects of midlife smoking on later-life living. Plus we have the usual news roundup. Journal Watch links: ACIP Recommends Pneumococcal Vaccine for Smokers ADA Updates Algorithm for Management of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 […]

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