Articles matching the ‘Infectious Diseases’ Category

January 11th, 2009

Podcast 25: Drs. Nicola Thompson and Joseph Perz talk about their Annals of Internal Medicine paper on the epidemiology of viral hepatitis outbreaks in nonhospital healthcare settings

Hospitals don’t have many outbreaks of viral hepatitis, owing to a strong culture of infection control. However, health care is moving increasingly to nonhospital settings like outpatient clinics and longterm care facilities where infection control is less established. We talk with Nicola Thompson and Joseph Perz of the CDC about their paper detailing the causes […]

October 31st, 2008

Podcast 18: News plus an interview with Prof. Riccardo Utili about infective endocarditis in the elderly

This week we look at why infective endocarditis among the elderly has characteristics very different from its manifestations in younger patients. Prof. Riccardo Utili of the Second University of Naples is our guest. And of course we start with a brief news roundup. Journal Watch links: Breast Cancer Less Likely to Recur in Women with […]

August 9th, 2008

Podcast 11: News and interview with Dr. Irene Hall, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC

This week we talk with the CDC’s Irene Hall about the finding of an increased incidence of HIV infection in the U.S. Journal Watch links Do Not Screen for Prostate Cancer in Men 75 or Older, USPSTF Advises Specialties Disagree on Need for ECG Evaluations Before Prescribing ADHD Drugs Common Fertility Treatments of Little Benefit in […]

July 26th, 2008

Podcast 9: News and interview with Prof. Robert Hogg, British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver.

This week, Robert Hogg gives us his perspective on the increasing longevity seen with HIV infection in high-income countries. Journal Watch links Lipid Screening in Childhood – New Recommendations from the AAP Consensus Statement Issued for Managing Prediabetes Medicare to Reimburse Doctors Extra for Electronic Prescriptions

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