Articles matching the ‘Delirium’ Category

September 11th, 2019

Podcast 233: Antipsychotics are no solution to delirium during hospitalization

Using “Vitamin H” (haloperidol) or newer antipsychotics to treat delirium in hospitalized patients should be off the menu, writes Edward Marcantonio in an Annals of Internal Medicine editorial. Dr. Marcantonio agrees with the authors of a systematic review who conclude that “current evidence does not support routine use of haloperidol or second-generation antipsychotics to treat delirium […]

August 21st, 2013

Podcast 166: Delirium and intensive care

Running time: 19:45 This week’s guest is Yoanna Skrobik, a Montreal intensivist and author of an intriguing commentary on a Lancet Respiratory Medicine paper on the (non)effect of haloperidol in influencing the incidence or length of delirium/coma in critically ill patients. Physician’s First Watch coverage of the Lancet articles Nurse-facilitated family participation Early physical/occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated patients

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