Posts Tagged ‘vaccination’

May 7th, 2010

Podcast 86: Prompt follow-up after discharge for heart failure reduces early-readmission rates.

Why wouldn’t you want your hospital to lower its rate of early readmissions for heart failure by 15%? We talk with Dr. Adrian Hernandez about his examination of Medicare data from over 200 hospitals, how the hospitals vary widely in the rates at which their patients are followed up within a week of discharge for […]

February 27th, 2010

Podcast 76: On saying “No” to patients’ requests.

A conversation with the authors of an Archives of Internal Medicine study that examines the best tactics for saying “No” to inappropriate requests. Contact me at 1-617-440-4374 or at Interview-related links: Archives of Internal Medicine abstract Atul Gawande’s New Yorker article News-related links: The rosiglitazone (Avandia) controversy Advisory on thiazolidinediones Physicians’ work hours 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine Influenza-vaccination expansion […]

October 10th, 2009

Podcast 60: Weight loss in type 2 diabetes benefits obstructive sleep apnea — a conversation with Prof. Gary Foster

It’s been treated as fact for a long time, but now there are data to prove it: weight loss in type 2 diabetes does ameliorate obstructive sleep apnea. Gary Foster of Temple University has an ongoing study of some 250 patients, and he’s just presented data on the first year of an anticipated 4-year follow-up. […]

September 29th, 2009

Podcast 58: A repeat of the July 31 interview with the CDC’s Denise Jamieson on treating pregnant women who have suspected 2009 H1N1.

Pregnant women are at greater risk for flu complications. This week, we repeat a conversation with a CDC researcher who’d just published a paper in Lancet urging prompt treatment with antivirals, even in the face of pending lab results. Contact us at 1-617-440-4374. This week’s links: In Pregnancy, Treat Suspected H1N1 Promptly Without Awaiting Test […]

September 12th, 2009

Podcast 56: A conversation with two JAMA staffers on their research into “ghost” authorship and “honorary” authorship in the principal medical journals.

We’ve seen research into this area before — 18 months ago, in fact. (We interviewed Joseph Ross back then in Podcast #2.) This time we interview Joseph Wislar, a survey-research specialist at JAMA, and Annette Flanagin, its managing deputy editor. They’ve just presented the abstracted results of a survey on ghost and honorary authorship that […]

September 4th, 2009

Podcast 55: A conversation with Prof. Gilles Montalescot about his JAMA paper on immediate versus delayed intervention in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

French researchers find that in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, delaying intervention until the next day does not affect the occurrence of death, MI, or the need for urgent revascularization by the one-month mark. We caught up with the study’s first author in Paris. If you want access to earlier podcasts, you’ve come to the right […]

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