February 21st, 2020

Podcast 253: Is a single-dose HPV vaccination effective?

With human papillomavirus vaccine in short supply around, moving from a three- or two-dose regimen to one dose would immediately double or treble supplies, cut costs, and simplify logistics.

A careful study in Cancer by this week’s guest, Ana Rodriguez, and her colleagues adds to the evidence that single-dosing is possible and protective against pre-cancerous cervical lesions.

Cancer article

Cancer editorial 

An earlier (2015) podcast on the question of the number of vaccine doses needed to confer protection

Running time: 16 minutes

One Response to “Podcast 253: Is a single-dose HPV vaccination effective?”

  1. John J Dugan, DO says:

    This is an important study with high clinical applicability, especially in the primary care environment. I always enjoy hearing reports from clinicians on the front lines who approach clinical questions which affect the huge numbers of patients cared for by our primary care teams.
    Thank you, Dr. Rodriguez

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