July 4th, 2015

Podcast 178: Why Should Clinicians’ Complicity in CIA Torture Matter to You?

Dr. Scott Allen of Physicians for Human Rights talks about the lessons evident in the complicity of clinicians — physicians, PAs, and psychologists at the very least — in the torture of prisoners.

His group published an analysis under the title “Doing Harm: Health professionals’ central role in the CIA torture program,” and that’s the focus of this discussion. Allen says that the lesson for all clinicians is to remember the importance of their professions’ commitments to patients, which were badly eroded in these episodes.

Running time: 20 minutes

Doing Harm report from PHR

One Response to “Podcast 178: Why Should Clinicians’ Complicity in CIA Torture Matter to You?”

  1. Vincent Hunt MD says:

    This is a remarkable interview. Scott Allen and his collegues provide an invaluable service by investigating, describing and disseminating the complicity of health professionals in the CIA’s torture program. In so doing they raise our ethical consciousness and help us regain our moral perspective that got so distorted by fear, power and mindless inhumanity.

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