November 9th, 2010

Podcast 108: CT screening for lung cancer

We talk with Dr. Denise Aberle, a principal investigator on the CT-for-lung-cancer-screening trial that the National Cancer Institute stopped last week. NCI stopped the trial when the trial’s monitoring committee found a 20% decrease in lung cancer deaths among those randomized to CT screening.

Listen in for a fascinating look at what happens when trials stop — and most especially for the implications of this one.

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2 Responses to “Podcast 108: CT screening for lung cancer”

  1. paul fader says:

    One of five people screened with multidetector CT ($$$) for a self-induced illness (30 pack-year of cigarette abuse) will then be eligible for surgery for lung cancer. Hmmm, sounds like this will decrease the cost of medicine significantly by putting the money into a good prevention program for all to benefit from.

  2. […] Clinical Conversations interview with a principal investigator on the lung-cancer screening trial […]

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