October 1st, 2010

Podcast 103: eGFR and cardiovascular risk assessment

Welcome back. We take a look this week at a study from Iceland that looks at whether estimated glomerular filtration rates have a role in estimating cardiovascular risk. Our interview is with Cambridge University’s Dr. Emanuele Di Angelantonio.

Your comments are welcome, both here and to my email address: jelia@jwatch.org.

Interview-related links:

News-related links:

One Response to “Podcast 103: eGFR and cardiovascular risk assessment”

  1. GFR and decline in renal function can be improved by cardiovascular prevention.The series and pathology studies of Abboud H et al described the prevalence of nephroangiosclerosis in 820 necroptic samples in neurologic patients.
    The OR for NAS , adjusted for age and sex , was 4.37 and 2.94 after consideration for CV risk factors . Thus , was independently associated with age and history of hypertension in patients with stroke , comparable to SPARCL results ( statin treatment with stroke or TIA improvement GFR).

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